
宋词雨霖玲 柳永 翻译-柳永 雨霖铃 英文翻译 或是其他经典中国诗词英文翻译.

柳永 雨霖铃 英文翻译 或是其他经典中国诗词英文翻译.

The autumn cicadas was mournfully tweeting.
Face to face in front of the pavilion by roadside
at evening and just a violent shower stopping.
Outside the capital's gate to kiss cup for parting in tent,
never possible any good emotion.
During the time of reluctant to depart,
the light boat hastened me repeatedly for starting.
Tears in eyes and hands in hands,
no words needed to deliver but the sobs choking.
The thousands mile's river with mist-cover water ahead
and the dense clouds and mists floating in the vast sky of Chu district
in the evening.
From old, the tender people are apt to give birth to the sad feeling;
moreover we were parting each other in the silent and dismal autumn.
Where I shall sober up from drunk,
it may be along the willows riversides
under the crescent and in the dawning wind blowing.
This departing may be over several years,
in the period our good time and beautiful scenery should havn't.
Even though I have thousand kinds of amorous feeling
but no one may listen to my speaking.


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