
宋词英译 许渊冲-许渊冲杨宪益翻译了哪些相同的宋词


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葬花吟英译本 许渊冲翻译的。中英对照。

Chinese classical poetry language implicitly Meaningful and a high degree of Ninglian, deep rich mood, making English translation of ancient poetry can not be satisfied with the faithful, but also the target of reproduction beauty. In this paper, Xu Yuan-poetry translation of the "three U.S." principle for the analytical framework, Xu Yuan-chong and other translator of Li Bai's poems "WANG LU SHAN PU BU" the English translation of comparison, so that "three United States" is the translation of theory can be Operation of this conclusion: the translator can reproduce the original "Italian beauty" of the premise, as far as possible reproduction of the original "-the United States" and "shape the United States" to reach the "three United States and" the harmonious unity.

想知道柳永《蝶恋花》许渊冲先生英译的版本 词是“...

Butterflies in Love with Flowers
Liu Yong
I lean alone on balcony in light,light breeze;
As far as the eyes sees,
On the horizon dark parting grief grows unseen.
In fading sunlight rises smoke over grass green.
Who understands why mutely on the rails I lean?
I’d drown in wine my parting grief:
Chanting before the cup,strained mirth brings no relief.
I find my gown too large,but I will not regret;
It’s worthwhile growing languid for my coquette.
(许渊冲回 译)答


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